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미술사논단56 호
쉬위(許煜)의 우주기술론 고찰
원어 제목
A Discussion of Yuk Hui’s: “Question Concerning Technology in China”
주제 분류
자료 유형
션위창 沈裕昌   지음
135-168쪽 / 총 34쪽
「宇宙技術」(cosmotechnics)一詞,由許煜在2016年於《論中國的宇宙技術—宇宙技術初論》(The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics)提出,在2021年於《藝術與宇宙技術》(Art and Cosmotechnics)則有更深入的探討,是其近年研究中的核心概念。許煜在其論著中指出,西方的現代科技,經常被接受為某種普遍且同質的事物。但是這種接受背後的代價,就是技術與宇宙論的斷裂。許煜通過中國的技術思想,將其表述為「器道斷裂」。為了重新處理「器」與「道」的關係,他主張每個文化都必須發展出自身的宇宙技術,並以中國為例,將「器道宇宙技術」思考為「中國的宇宙技術」。本文對許煜學術關懷的起點,即對普遍技術觀點的質疑、對技術多元化發展的闡釋,及藉此對現代化與技術全球化進行反思的企圖,抱持著高度的肯定。但是,本文對於「宇宙技術」此一概念,卻隱隱地感到不安,也認為將「山水」視為堪與希臘悲劇進行比較的中國藝術核心、並將其內在邏輯歸結於道家的「玄」,此一思想進路,似有再商榷的空間。因此,本文將針對上述疑點,提出若干命題,並逐一申論之。
In 2016, Yuk Hui introduced the word “cosmotechnics” in his essay “The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics.” The concept was further discussed in his “Art and Cosmotechnics” published in 2021. This has been the center of his research for the past few years. In his writings, Hui proposed that modern Western technology has been taken as some sort of universal and homogeneous subject, which he believes to have led to a fissure between technology and cosmology. Under his Chinese technical ideology, Hui articulated the fissure as a rift between“dao and qi”(the way and the tool). To reorganize the relation between “dao” and “qi,” Hui suggested that all nations should develop their own cosmotechnics by taking China as an example in his writing. He considered “Chinese cosmotechnics” equivalent to the “cosmotechnics of dao and qi.” Hui’s academic concerns toward the widespread concepts of technology, his interpretations of diverse technological development, alongside his reflections on modernity and globalization of technology are all highly appreciated here in this essay. However, this essay also finds Hui’s concept of “cosmotechnics” to be slightly disturbing. Here, Hui’s idea of “shan shui” being the heart of Chinese arts just as Greek tragedy symbolizes the heart of Greek literature, and his perspective of the Daoist “xuan” (profound) being the internal logic of quintessential Chinese arts will be further discussed. This essay shall offer and elaborate propositions concerning these obscure ideas introduced by Yuk Hui accordingly.
참고 문헌
쉬위(許煜), 중국의 우주기술, 중국의 우주론, 현(玄), 산수, 복서(卜筮), 서법(書法)
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