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공간, 서사, 조각: 김종영 조각의 한국적 공간
원어 제목
The Hometown as an Aesthetic Space
주제 분류
자료 유형
김우창 金禹昌   지음
63-99쪽 / 총 37쪽
Kim Chong Yung is known as the pioneer of modern sculpture ? originating from the influence of Western art ? in Korean art history, where modern sculpture generally refers to abstract work. Abstracted images, whether in sculpture or painting, is difficult to decipher because the artistically reconstructed forms elude the factuality of its original reference. However, even in these instances, the forms fundamentally originate from known truths. It is just that the truths are new constructions of perceived elements rather than the everyday experience itself. In such case, a judging criterion is the appropriateness of composition. Without dispute, the fundamental elements of artwork are colors, geometrical lines or forms. These have to be selected well in the first place, but it is possibly more important that these elements are well-balanced, and it is from this that the beauty of an artwork is appreciated. For paintings, because the fundamental elements of the final work are colors, forms and lines itself, the reconstruction of these elements by the artist are somewhat manageable. The balance that comes after the reconstruction becomes the basis of judgment. However, for sculptures, the element of perception or sensation is comparatively limited which makes it inevitable to rely on the traditional factuality when interpreting a work. Furthermore, as it is shown through realistic or idealized Greek sculptures, the emphasis of form results in the weakening of other perceived elements, where color, in particular, is restricted. Nevertheless, the overall form resembles the real, and the real is idealized (for example, the idealized head to body proportions). Then, how is such space represented in Oriental art? One assumes that the space reminded by Kim Chong Yung’s sculptures is that of the hometown. The meaning of his works is discovered in the space of the hometown ? with mountains, plants, houses, and everyday tools and nature ? where people as close as family live together.1 Whatever had been represented, for Kim, one way of materializing the meaning of the work was to simplify the three-dimensional into an ideograph. The surfaces in his works and even the two-dimensional qualities that are felt in three-dimensional works, the feeling of close contact and compressed space, the preference of using wood ? as opposed to stone, bronze or steel which are often used in Western sculpture ? all relate to the nostalgia of the hometown. It is supposed that this is supported by the ontological concept of the universe being guardian to a self and the unusual concept of restricted space. This, of course, is a gross simplification of a complicated idea, and the hypothetical theory presented in this article should be tested in relation to other sculptural works in Korea. Yet, in respect to Kim Chong Yung’s work, it is more important to appreciate the work in a direct manner, and the author hopes that overtheorization does not bring disservice to his work.
참고 문헌
김우창, 「현실과 형상: 현실의 예술적 재구성」, 유종호, 김우창, 김상환, 배병삼, 염무웅, 마이클 S. 최, 임현진, 『예술과 삶에 대한 물음: 문화예술과 현실』(문화의 안과 밖 3), 서울: 민음사, 2014, pp.49-180. 『金鍾瑛: 인생·예술·사랑』, 서울: 김종영미술관, 2002. 박춘호 편, 윤찬호 탈초 번역, 『서예작품 목록』, 서울: 김종영미술관, 2015. (미출간) 『불각의 아름다움: 조각가 김종영과 그 시대』, 서울: 김종영미술관, 2015. 오광수, 『현대 한국조각의 선구자, 김종영』, 서울: 시공아트, 2013. 장자, 안동림 옮김, 『莊子』, 서울: 현암사, 2007. 『초월과 창조를 향하여: 조각가 김종영의 소묘와 산문』, 파주: 열화당, 2005. Elvin, Mark, “Was There a Transcendental Breakthrough in China?,” In The Origins and Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations, ed. S.N. Eisenstadt, New York: State University of New York Press, 1986, pp.325-359. Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilization in China: Vol.3 Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1959. Read, Herbert, The Art of Sculpture, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1969. Rucker, Rudy, Infinity and the Mind: the Science and Philosophy of the Infinite, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005.
김종영 조각 Kim Chong Yung’s sculpture, 조각의 공간 space of sculpture, 서사적 공간 narrative space, 한국현대조각 Korean modern sculpture, 숭고미 sublimity
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