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미술사논단45 호
불화 畵記의 畵題 및 명칭 검토
원어 제목
A Study of Subject(Hwaje) and Names in the Inscriptions(Hwagi) of Buddhist Paintings
주제 분류
자료 유형
최엽 崔燁   지음
205-225쪽 / 총 21쪽
The inscriptions(hwagi, 畵記) of Buddhist paintings contain a variety of important information about the paintings. This article focuses particularly on the appended subject(hwaje, 畵題) and names of Buddhist paintings. The names of Buddhist paintings that appear in the hwa-gi are largely divided into three types: First, there are thematic names that include the names of praying Buddhist statues or indicate the key scenes of paintings, such as “yeongsanhoe(靈山會),” “mitahoe(彌陀會),” “jijang(地藏),” “sinjung(神衆),” “chilseong(七星),” and “gamro(甘露).” Second, Buddha and bodhisattva paintings were named “hubultaeng(後佛幀)” stressing that the paintings were to be hung on the walls behind the statutes. Lastly, the names like “sangdantaeng(上壇幀),” “jungdantaeng(中壇幀),” and “hadantaeng(下壇幀)” emphasize the hierarchy of Buddhist rituals. Sometimes, names combining the second and third types were used. Characteristically, these names are strongly connotative and symbolic of their paintings. (이하 생략)
참고 문헌
고경스님 교감 Buddhist Monk Gogyeong supervision, 송천스님·이종수·허상호·김정민 편저 Buddhist Monk Songcheon; Lee, Jongsu; Heo, Sangho; Kim, Jeongmin redaction, 『韓國의 佛畵 畵記集 A Collection of Records from Buddhist Paintings of Korea』, 성보문화재연구원 Seoul: Research Institute of Sungbo Heritage, 2011. 고은미 Go, Eunmi, 「조선시대 감로회도 하단의 전투이미지 연구 Study of the battle image of the scenes in the lower parts of Nectar Ritual Paintings of the Joseon Dynasty」, 이화여자대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 M.A. thesis, Seoul: Ewha Womans University, 2010. 김소연 Kim, Soyeon, 「16세기 천도 의식용 불화로서의 함창 상원사 <사회탱(四會幀)> 연구 Study of gathering of the four buddhas(Sahoetaeng)」, 서울대학교 대학원 석사학위논문M.A. thesis, Seoul: Seoul National University, 2011.
佛畵 Buddhist painting, 畵記 painting inscription, 畵題 subject of painting, 甘露 Gamro, 七星 Chilsung
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