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미술사논단44 호
중국 北朝 시기 家屋形 石葬具의 建築意匠 연구
원어 제목
A Study on Architecture Iconography of House-shaped Sarcophagi in the Northen Dynasties of China
주제 분류
자료 유형
서윤경 徐潤慶   지음
229-255쪽 / 총 27쪽
During the Northern Dynasties of China, ‘house-shaped sarcophagi’ excavated in ancient tombs was a special coffin-burial imitating wooden house architecture with stone. The origin of house-shaped sarcophagi of the Northern Dynasties was not revealed clearly. However, the sarcophagi are models of actual architecture of the Northern Dynasties. Architecture iconography includes cultural exchanges among several ethnic groups and contents of funeral rituals, so it’s significant to study on it. This thesis classifies the sarcophagi, which is based on characteristics of roof structure and theory of architectural space. Therefore, they were considered as new funeral sarcophagi combining Northern Xianbei custom of preferring stone coffin and architectural style of Northern Wei stone ancestral temple. It was possible due to the changes of funeral rituals at a burial chamber, professional roles of master craftsman, and development of architectural technologies during the Northern Dynasties. In late Northern Dynasties, Sogdian ethnic group of the Western Asia used the house-shaped sarcophagi. Most people of the Western Asia believed Zoroastrianism and used cremation and Ossuaries as funeral methods. After they had settled in China, they made new funeral system. Central China culture, Zoroastrianism, and Buddhist culture were mutually combined and created new forms of architecture. In the Northern Dynasties of China, there was innovative development for East Asia architectural history of the ancient times. The capital city of the Northern Dynasties formed the base of cities of Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. The landscape of the Northern cities investigated by excavation of large-scale cave temple and record of Luogang Qielan Ji(洛陽伽藍記) reflects the development of architectural technologies of the time. This study investigates the exchange with various cultures and changing aspect of funeral rituals from the structure and iconography of the coffins of the Northern Dynasties. This thesis reconsiders the perspective that they were absorbed to Central China culture, and then draws dynamic phase of the times of the Northern Dynasties.
참고 문헌
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北朝 Northern Dynasties, 가옥형 石槨 house-shaped sarcophagi, 建築意匠 architecture iconography, 石棺 stone sarcophagus, 喪葬儀禮 funeral rituals, 喪葬미술 funeral arts, 宋昭祖 Song Shaojou, 史君 Shi Jun, 虞弘 Yu Hong
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